Yigit KaderJava Function Interface“ The Function interface generically takes a parameter of type T, executes the given job, and then returns a value of type R. “Mar 7, 2022Mar 7, 2022
Yigit KaderJava Supplier Interface“ This interface does the opposite of the Consumer interface. So it doesn’t take anything as input but returns a value. “Mar 7, 2022Mar 7, 2022
Yigit KaderJava Predicate Interface“The Predicate Interface takes a T-type input and checks whether the condition presented to it is met, and returns a “true or false” value…Mar 7, 2022Mar 7, 2022
Yigit KaderSOLID PRINCIPLESSolid Principles are all basic approaches in software development processes and a set of 5 basic principles in general.Feb 9, 2022Feb 9, 2022